Khamis, 1 Oktober 2015

The Universe

Universe means unimaginably vast space which is unbounded with its dots of body's are by definition, the universe includes everything that abounds in space, and space is filled with matter which varies from the tiniest and cosmic particle to the gigantic galaxies. The universe is known to composed of many types of comparatively small and large dense Bo e.g., the galaxies, the constellations (star groups), the stars, the planets other heavenly bodies.

The totality of the heavenly bodies from grand galaxies down to the sm cosmic dust filling the endless space describes the Universe w dimension is beyond our comprehension.
There are t divergent theories on the mode of origin of the universe. These are the B Bang and the Steady State theories. According to 'Big Bang' theory universe has a finite beginning, through a tremendous explosive expansion superdense and very condensed matter. The "steady state" theory states the universe expands through a process of continuous creation of matt which (the process) remains unchanged through eternity.
Galaxy: A galaxy is a rotating stellar system (star system) consisting of a swarm of stars which are held together by mutual gravitational attraction. In other words, a galaxy is an enormously large cluster of stars. Our galaxy to which the sun along with its planet families belong is an aggregate of aboii one hundred billion stars. Ours is called "Milky way" galaxy which looks like a discuss (a disc-shaped metal used in discus throw) when viewed through powerful optical telescope.

It is a pancake shaped whirling body which is gigantic in size. A part of the "Milky way" is clearly seen with naked eye as a faint luminous broad band across the sky during a clear autumn night. It takes about 100,000 years for the light to go from one end of our galaxy to the other end. There are billions of galaxies in the universe. The nearest galaxy comparable to our Milky Way in size is the Andromeda galaxy.
Stars and Planets: A star is a self-luminous and incandescent globe of hot gases. Stars produce their own light and are seen twinkling in the sky. The stars vary in size, temperature and constituent materials. Many stars occur in pairs (twins). They may even occur in triplets or quadruplets.

Money is the root of all evil

Money is the root of evil. 

  It is illogical to think that money can own its owner. Mankind are the one who should own it right? However this ‘illogical fact’ is what happening nowadays. Man create money to lead a convenient and advanced life. Yes, we can’t deny the fact that it is so convenient to carry only notes and coins in our pocket instead of shoving humongous rocks in our pockets. It’s just how things works in this world, there are always the dark sides of things that we  use to claim to be beneficial. Money however, might be the root of evil.

  Desires and the love of this world are the two elements that exist in human nature. No matter how noble or religious the people are there’s always this part of him that wanted the luxury of this life. This in fact, can be a motivation if these desires are managed well but if it is not being handled well, it can lead to greed. Greed leads to oppression. People don’t care about justice anymore because all they think about is themselves. This explains why we can see our leaders involved in corruptions, our scholars lost their sincerity and our nature are destroyed by urbanisation. All of these  are happening right nowand it is due to the fact that people take money as their idols of the heart.

  Apart from greed, money can make people turn against each other.The rich oppress the poor and the poor hate the rich. The rich are trying to make more money by oppressing the poor and the poor are fighting back for their rights.In this case, money spreads hatred among the people. Everyone is fighting to obtain it without having a care about humanity.There are a lot of examples to be illustrated in this situation but the well-known one is the ugly thing that United States of America did to Iraq in the year 2003. This is the proof why money is the reasons for those vile occurrence out there.

  If you are that kind of person who watches drama all the time you will notice that most of the antagonist in those dramas went nuts in the end and usually it is because they too tired chasing the wealth. We must be wondering how on earth that digging after money manage to effect our mental health right? Well chasing after money excessively may leads a person to be stressed out.If this continues it may leads to depression and if this goes on that person might be a complete wayward or commit suicide. 

  In a nutshell, money is a concrete matter that we create to ease us.We do not create it to worship it or to die for it. Life is not about money. Life is about living and help the others.As what being highlighted in Islam, the wealthy should help the poor and the poor should be grateful towards the wealthy.This will create a balance cycle and will help to control the desires of owning money. We should own the money, money should not own us and this is a fact that people need to take into their hearts to create a better world once again.

brother and sister

Eighty percent of us have a brother or sister. Siblings are like friends, but they are permanent. Usually brothers and sisters have a love-hate relationship. I believe that even though brothers or sisters constantly argue, there is a bond of leadership, love and friendship.
Leadership is portrayed in each brother sister relationship. Even though parents consider a brother and sister “worst enemies” the younger sibling always looks up to the elder sibling. This is why you must always set a good example for the younger ones
Have you ever had something nice or had a favorite football team and then your younger sibling starts wanted the same thing or like the the same sports team? I know this has happened to me and I always call my brother a “copycat”. Then World War Z erupts in my house. I’m starting to see that instead of all this arguing I can start seeing it more as a compliment, or react by being flattered rather than being angry.

Most brother sister relationships have love. Even through all the constant rivalry, arguing and competition. You know you cannot live without them. I constantly argue with my brother, but when someone else picks on him or starts arguing with him I always stand up for him. What can I say? I love my brother.
Sibling friendships are important because our siblings have been in our lives since the beginning of our lives. A good thing about having siblings as friends is that you can have a fight one day then wake up the next morning and nothing ever happened. It’s not like they can walk out of your life. A nice fact my grandma told me was that sibling relationships last the longest in a human’s life. Other than a relationship between a parent and a child. Friends come and go but brothers and sisters are there for life. I know what you are thinking “Oh no,” but it is not that bad. Usually siblings that argue during their childhood tend to get along really well during their adult years.

For those who have siblings I know you have argued with your brother or sister. These little arguments are considered healthy and prove that there is a good relationship between the siblings. I believe that even though brothers and sisters fight most of the time, they love each other and you can’t find friends like the ones you are related to.

Fasting month (Ramadhan) and me

Ramadhan and me

Ramadhan is the most waited month for the Muslim’s.For me Ramadhan is the best month after Syawal.Duringramadhan, we can see many type of food,that we can never see in other month.Duringramadhan also, we can see the kids is very happy because,they can play some fireworks 

. To me,the best part of ramadhan is the time when the whole family gather to iftar.
Ramadhan this year to me is very different because it was my first time fasting far from family, because I have receive an offer to continue my studies at Kolej Poly Tech Mara (KPTM) Kuantan, Pahang.It was my first time fasting far from family. I fasting at home only for three day at home. At first I do not want to go, but my mom advice me to go.It was very sad to go to KPTM because it was my first time to stay away from family and friend.

            During the first day of ramadhan, my family and I were iftar at my grandmother house. She cook some special dishes because it was the first day of ramadhan . On the second, we were iftar at restaurant. The day I have to go to KPTM has come. I was very sad. My family sent me and to KPTM and give some advice. On that day, was a little bit culture shock because it was my first to stay at hostel. After that, I iftar my roommate  at the hall.

           The next day, was a tired day because the orientation day has started. The orientation day has been held for four days. During orientation day, I have meet some new friend, from Terengganu, Kelantan, and Kuala Lumpur. We always iftar together at cafĂ©.